Amanda over at Little Monsters and Mommies was onto something when she created a "Wonderful Wednesday" post, encouraging others to post regularly a piece of wonderful in their lives that week (see her original post here). Every week I read her posts (and a few others) and reflect on what I'm thankful for and I'm excited to now actually be able to post it and hope to do so regularly every Wednesday.
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On a sick day being read Dr Seuss and having cozy cuddles is the perfect cure. |
#nannylife is something I regularly use on Instagram and Facebook to reference my job, some highlights from the past few months have included "* just tried to wash my hair with some mashed pear and I don't finish for another 2 hours #nannylife" "I just got asked by * Lala, where do baby comes from? PLEASE WAIT TILL YOUR PARENTS ARE HOME! #nannylife" and my personal favourite "* has been toilet trained for a year now but for some reason decided to use the cats litter box instead of the toilet... Without removing her dress, tights or underwear #nannylife". These snippets are enough to turn any sane person off working in childcare. I mean who wants to be covered in bodily fluids, check for nits, answer awkward questions on the birds and the bees and be wholly responsible for at least one tiny human who isn't your own? Apparently, I do.
I honestly sort of "fell into" nannying, but it was a perfect fit from the start. When I was 14 I travelled to the Thai-Burmese border and volunteered in an orphanage and bonding with the Karen hill tribe children was to this day, one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I originally wanted to be a teacher, and then a lawyer and some weird things in between (as you do in highschool) but somehow floated back to childcare. I got my first job babysitting in 2011 after a few years of wrangling my younger cousins and running children's parties at my hospitality job. Im so lucky that those children were little angels because that first job encouraged me to apply for another job and so on and so on and now here I am.
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Aged 14 with Wyn Myant Han, a 4 year old orphan from Burma. |
Being a nanny is the best job I've ever had and like every job it has some not great parts and certainly some icky parts, but the good outweighs everything. Nearly everyday of my life I'm let into a home, and instantly become part of a family unit. I get to pass my wisdom, attention and love onto beautiful children and play a part in raising them. I have never once in my job, felt taken for granted or unappreciated, all of my bosses are so wonderful and treat me with the upmost respect and shower me with gratitude (hopefully mostly deserving!). I work for 8 families, 4 nannying and 4 casually babysitting and have different but great relationships with all the parents and children. No day is the same taking care of kids ranging from a few months old to 14 years, there's so much to do and explore and always, always a reason to smile. Most families I work for also have a great relationship with my partner and generally there is an open invitation for her to visit when I'm working, (some even request it) they sure love their "Yabby". Likewise, they love Mr Wilson and he LOVES playing with the kids if I'm ever watching them here or if Gabby brings him to pick me up. I'm included in every birthday, Easter and Christmas, one of my bosses who I'm especially close to was the first person (after family) that I called when I got engaged! I'm so lucky to be so appreciated and happy with my job, the #nannylife sure is wonderful!
*please note pictures being used are done so with parents/guardians permission*
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Mr. Wilson getting some love from his favourite visitor. |
I get this completely. I've always been very innately natural with children. Long before I became a parent. Some people have it, some don't. Clearly, you have it and those kiddos are lucky to be your charges. Also, the picture of you with the Burma girl, so gorgeous!!!